Ju Budae is a restaurant that specializes in Budae-jjigae. Design brand by utilizing the characteristics of Budae-jjigae combined of Korea and the United States. In addition, develop a digital menu system that the brand needs.
Ju Budae is a brand project designed to reflect the characteristics of Joo-young. She was born and raised in the U.S., but she is also Korean who has been greatly influenced by Korean culture. She is Korean-American, friendly, and trendy. This keyword reflects in every design of branding.
Q : Where did you born?
A : Born in Baltimore and live in Ellicott City.
I raise in America, but I like Korean culture.
I also study the Korean language to get closer to my parents.
I am Korean and American.
Q : What is your favorite food?
A : Most of them are Korean food or Asian food.
Among Korean food, I like stimulating food.
Kimchi-jjigae or Gamjatang.
Q : Why did you like stimulating food?
A : I was under a lot of stress when I was in middle school and high school.
At this time, stimulating foods gave me energy and made me happy.
Q : What kind of restaurant will be great if you open a restaurant?
A : It would be more of a sitting-down restaurant than a take-out restaurant.
And I am not good at eating alone, so I hope it is comfortable to eat alone.
Q : What would you like to name the restaurant?
A : I’d like to make it Namju Manju. That’s my nickname.
Q : What color do you like?
A : The best choices are black and white.
Also I like pink, orange, and burgundy. And I avoid dark purple.
Ju Budae is a restaurant that specializes in Budae-jjigae. The origin of Budae-jjigae is based on American food from the U.S. Army during the Korean War. The main ingredients of Budaejjigae are American-made products such as Spam, American cheese, baked beans, and sausages.
The logo sketches base on three keywords and interviews. The logo and brand name design by combining Joo-young's name and Budae-jjigae. logo using the elements of the national flags of South Korea and the United States and the ingredients of Budae-jjigae.
The brand name “Ju Budae” comes from Joo-young’s nickname “Juju” and Budae Jjigae’s “Budae.” The logo mark is designed to be read in both Korean and English to preserve the characteristics of the brand that targets both Koreans and Americans. “Ju” can read as an English “Ju” and also read as a Korean letter “주.”
• Lock Up
• Clear Space
• Color Study
• Color Palette
• Typeface
Width of the letter “B“ from Budae.
Height of the letter “ㅂ“ from Budae.
Budae-Jjigae contains various vegetables and processed goods. The color of the logo is red from the symbol color of Budae-jjigae. Budae red and Dark red from Budae-jjigae use for logo marks and brand systems.
RGB : 193, 12, 12
CMYK : 16%, 100%, 100%, 8%
HEX : #c20d0d;
RGB : 71, 18, 18
CMYK : 44%, 86%, 76%, 68%
HEX : #471212;
Primary Typeface
Ju Budae is a restaurant that specializes in Budae-jjigae. The origin of Budae-jjigae is based on American food from the U.S. Army during the Korean War. The main ingredients of Budaejjigae are American-made products such as Spam, American cheese, baked beans, and sausages.
DIN 2014 | Extra Light
DIN 2014 | Light
DIN 2014 | Regular
DIN 2014 | Demi
DIN 2014 | Bold
DIN 2014 | Extra Bold
Ju Budae is a restaurant that specializes in Budae-jjigae.
Ju Budae is a restaurant that specializes in Budae-jjigae.
Ju Budae is a restaurant that specializes in Budae-jjigae.
Ju Budae is a restaurant that specializes in Budae-jjigae.
Ju Budae is a restaurant that specializes in Budae-jjigae.
Ju Budae is a restaurant that specializes in Budae-jjigae.
Primary Typeface
Ju Budae is a restaurant that specializes in Budae-jjigae. The origin of Budae-jjigae is based on American food from the U.S. Army during the Korean War. The main ingredients of Budaejjigae are American-made products such as Spam, American cheese, baked beans, and sausages.
Noto Sans CJK | Thin
Noto Sans CJK | Light
Noto Sans CJK | Regular
Noto Sans CJK | Medium
Noto Sans CJK | Bold
Noto Sans CJK | Black
Ju Budae is a restaurant that specializes in Budae-jjigae.
Ju Budae is a restaurant that specializes in Budae-jjigae.
Ju Budae is a restaurant that specializes in Budae-jjigae.
Ju Budae is a restaurant that specializes in Budae-jjigae.
Ju Budae is a restaurant that specializes in Budae-jjigae.
Ju Budae is a restaurant that specializes in Budae-jjigae.
• Pattern Design
• Package Design
• Webpages
• Digital Menu
The pattern design for packaging and branding is a graphical illustration of the primary ingredients of Budae-jjigae.
The package used for delivery and food pickup consists of a container for soups and ingredients and a paper bag for it. Packages for uncook food make into use dedicate patterns. Each package design uses a dedicated color and pattern, showing that it is a dedicated container.
Webpages are designed for restaurant introductions and online orders. The web page consists of mobile and PC versions. Its design to have the same experience on two different devices.
Scroll on the screen to see the webpages
Budae-jjigae is a food that contains various ingredients and can add several times. To make food orders easier, the menu design as a digital menu. Digital menus have reduced the process of calling waiters, ordering extra food, and receiving food again. And customers can order unfamiliar food with seeing the photos.